WWF Super Wrestlemania – Cheats & Tips

Game Genie, Super Nintendo

Here are some cheats and tips for the game WWF Super Wrestlemania.

CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1. 4DD0-7D0A + 4DD2-740A Everyone starts with 1/4 energy
2. OED0-7D0A + 0ED2-740A Everyone starts with 1/2 energy
3. 56D0-7D0A + 56D2-740A Everyone starts with 3/4 energy
4. C9D2-8FDA Do mega damage and don’t die
5. 3CF0-7B91 Infinite time
6. 4DDF-7D6A Opponent starts with 1/4 energy
7. 0EDF-7D6A Opponent starts with 1/2 energy
8. 56DF-7D6A Opponent starts with 3/4 energy
9. CBF0-84DE + 6DF0-84AE Combo meter is at max