Wayne’s World – Cheats & Tips
Here are some cheats and tips for the game Wayne’s World.
CODE KEY IN . . . EFFECT . . .
1 DFAA-A764 Start with 1 life
2 D7AA-A764 Start with 3 lives
3 D5AA-A764 Start with 7 lives
4 DBAA-A764 Start with 9 lives
5 C28F-0704 Infinite lives
6 DF87-0764 Start with 1 Worthiness(tm) point
7 D787-0764 Start with 3 Worthiness points
8 D587-0764 Start with 7 Worthiness points
9 DB87-0764 Start with 9 Worthiness points
10 C2BC-D728 Infinite Worthiness
11 C2B5-04BC Worthiness item worth nothing on pick-up
12 C2B0-04BC Schwing(tm) item worth nothing on pick-up
13 C269-0DBB Infinite Schwings if you have at least 1
14 EEB3-DF98 Invincibility lasts longer after getting hit
15 FDB3-DF98 Invincibility does not last as long after
getting hit
16 82BB-0FF8 Invincibility lasts forever after getting hit
(Wayne(tm) blinks)
17 6DBB-D428 Invincibility (Wayne doesn’t blink)
18 DDBB-D4BC Amp power-up worth nothing on pick-up
19 D0BB-D4BC Amp power-up gives you Distortion-type
20 D4BB-D4BC Amp power-up gives you Mega-Amp-type
21 D7BB-D4BC Amp power-up gives you Chorus-type chords
22 D9BB-D4BC Amp power-up gives you Homer-type chords
23 DDBD-0DFC Distortion power-up worth nothing on pick-up
24 DFBD-0DFC Distortion power-up gives you Amp-type
25 D4BD-0DFC Distortion power-up gives you Mega-Amp-
type chords
26 D7BD-0DFC Distortion power-up gives you Chorus-type-
27 D9BD-0DFC Distortion power-up gives you Homer-type-
28 C2BB-079C Heart item worth nothing