Worms – Cheats & Tips
Here are some cheats and tips for the game Worms.
Return to last level played:
Allow the landscape to appear, then press B and
enter 1471 as a password.
Allow all levels:
Allow the landscape to appear, then press B and
enter ALL as a password.
Alien levels only:
Allow the landscape to appear, then press B and
enter ALIEN as a password.
Arctic levels only:
Allow the landscape to appear, then press B and
enter ARCTIC as a password.
Candy levels only:
Allow the landscape to appear, then press B and
enter CANDY as a password.
Desert levels only:
Allow the landscape to appear, then press B and
enter DESERT as a password.
Forest levels only:
Allow the landscape to appear, then press B and
enter FOREST as a password.
Hell levels only:
Allow the landscape to appear, then press B and
enter 666 as a password.
Junkyard levels only:
Allow the landscape to appear, then press B and
enter JUNK as a password.
Martian levels only:
Allow the landscape to appear, then press B and
enter MARS as a password.
Various landscapes:
Allow the landscape to appear, then press B and
enter one of the following passwords to play on the
corresponding landscape.
Type Description Password
Alien Big bowl 02185719
Alien Flat w/evenly spaced statues TISSOGDRIT
Alien Pedestal at sea 980351
Arctic Big columns, bottomless 02180719
Arctic Big columns, bottomless 02188719
Arctic Big slope 7007230
Arctic Flat w/evenly spaced snowmen WILTON
Arctic Slope/dome 02187719
Beach Big columns, bottomless 02184719
Beach Short columns 8131166523
Beach Slope/dome 02189719
Candy Long bridge SEAGULL
Candy Shallow slope w/bars 70345
Desert Injun Joe’s Hideout 62997503
Desert Long bridge BADRAN
Forest Big dome 02183719
Forest Bigger pedestal at sea HIDEYHOLE
Forest Bridge and land bridge 3333333333
Forest Caverns of Viet Nam 416241
Forest Flat w/trees MYSTEE
Forest King of the hill OUCH
Forest Long bridge 99289
Forest Long bridge HOPELESS
Forest Yet another pedestal at sea 75912494
Hell Big columns 7373888390
Hell Big columns, bottomless 02182719
Hell Flat and featureless 24833916
Hell Two sides of the ocean BEN
Hell Underground maze TRIFECTA
Hell Underground maze II CLITO
Ice Long bridge 731931229
Junkyard Big columns, bottomless 02186719
Junkyard Tiny outcrop at sea 66888
Junkyard Trash heap at sea 8878942
Martian Caverns of Mars 98620
Martian Outcrop at sea LOSE