Wolfenstein 3D – Cheats & Tips

Computers & Xbox, Macintosh

Here are some cheats and tips for the game Wolfenstein 3D.

View development team:
Press B when the iD Software logo appears.

Cheat mode:
Enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.
A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Effect Code

Secret doors appear as heads on map appleiigs
All weapons, full ammo burger
Invincibility, full ammo xuscnielppa
Level select groan
Level skip mccall
Extra life, all keys, 100% health and 99 ammo ilm
Invincibility ledoux
Disable invincibility iddqd
Full life peacock
All keys seger
Ammo capacity increased to 999 bullets and 99
for all others wowzers