War: Final Assault – Cheats & Tips
Here are some cheats and tips for the game War: Final Assault.
All Hidden Characters and War Master rank
Insert your credits and start. At the main menu, go and click on
“ENTER I.D.” Enter your name as Lee, then enter your P.I.N number
as 6969, then hit end or enter. If done correctly, you will see
that it says you have War Master rank at the bottom right in the
box with green words. To select your character, move your joystick
left or right.
Alternate Characters
At the Character Selection Screen, move the joystick to the right or
the left to show the alternate characters that can be selected.
Become Executioner at any level
Highlight the guy with the sunglasses and press the view button
5 times. Move the joystick left or right once or twice and you
can become the executioner even if you are a grunt.