Here are some cheats and tips for the game Urban Reign.
Cheat mode:
Enter one of the following codes at the title screen. An exclamation
point will appear in the top left corner to confirm correct code
Two players in Story and Free modes:
Press L1, R2, Circle(2), Triangle, L2, R1, Circle, Triangle,
Circle at the title screen.
All characters:
Press R1, R2, X, Left, Right, Square(4), L1, Square, Triangle,
Circle at the title screen.
All weapons:
Press L1, R1, X(2), Triangle, R1(2), Triangle, Square, X, R1
at the title screen.
Free mode:
Press L1, R1, Left(6), L2, Up, Triangle(2), Right at the title
Free mode with initial weapons unlocked:
Press L1, R1, L2, R2, L2, Circle, R2, Up, R2, R2, Circle, X, R1
at the title screen.
Challenge mode:
Press L2, R2, Triangle, Right, Left, Up(2), Left, R2(3), Circle
at the title screen.
Can select same character in multi-player mode:
Press R2(2), Square(2), X, R2, L1, Up, Down, Up(3), Circle at
the title screen.
Bonus weapon in multi-player mode:
Press L2(2), X(2), Triangle, R1(2), Square, R1 at the title