Treasure Planet – Cheats & Tips
Here are some cheats and tips for the game Treasure Planet.
Press L2, Square, L1, Circle, R2, Square, L1, Circle
at the main menu.
Unlimited musket ammunition:
Press Square, L1, R1, Up, Circle, L2, R2, Down at
the main menu.
Level select:
Press R2, Left, Right, R1, L1, Up, Down, L2 at the
main menu.
Flycam option:
Press Up, L1, Down, R1, R2, Down, L2, Up at the main
Unlock Gallery FMV sequences:
Press Circle, L2, Left, R1, R2, Right, L1 at the main
View all intermission sequences:
Press Right, Circle, Square(2), R1, R2, Left, L2 at the
main menu.
Debug information:
Press Left, L1(2), Right, R1(2), Up, Down at the main