This Is Football 2003 – Cheats & Tips
Here are some cheats and tips for the game This Is Football 2003.
Unlimited money for every season:
Press Right(2), Left, Up(3) at the main menu.
Repeat this code to disable its effect.
Unlimited money for one season:
Press Up(2), Down, Left, Right, L1 at the main menu.
Repeat this code to disable its effect.
Unlimited skill in custom teams:
Press Up(2), R1, L2, Up, L1 at the main menu.
Repeat this code to disable its effect.
All bonus teams and stadiums:
Press L1, R1, R2, L2, Up, Down, Left, Right at the main menu.
Semi-pro teams:
Press L2, R2, L2, R2, L2, R2 at the main menu.
School teams:
Press L1(3), L2(3) at the main menu.
Timewarp teams 1:
Press Up, Down, R2, L1, Up, L2 at the main menu.
Timewarp teams 2:
Press Up, Down, R2, L2, Up, L1 at the main menu.
Developer teams:
Press R2, L1(2), Up(2), Right at the main menu.
Jungle stadium:
Press L1, R2(2), Up, Down, Right at the main menu.
School yard stadium:
Press L2, L1, R1, L1, L2(2) at the main menu.
School pitch stadium:
Press Up(3), Left, Right, R2 at the main menu.
View credits:
Press L2, L1(2), L2(3) at the main menu.
Farm sounds:
Press L1(2), R2, Up, Down, Right at the main menu.
Repeat this code to disable its effect.
Clown sounds:
Press L1(2), L2, R2(2), R1 at the main menu.
Repeat this code to disable its effect.
Fast announcers:
Press L2, R2, R1, R2, L2, R2 at the main menu.
Repeat this code to disable its effect.
FMV sequences:
Press L2, L1(3), L2(2) at the main menu.
View credits:
Press L2, L1(2), L2(3) at the main menu.
Semi Professionals team:
Win The Semi Professional League in career mode.
School teams:
Win the School League in career mode.
European All-Stars team:
Win the Euro cup to unlock the
European All-Stars team.
African All-Stars team:
Win the African Cup to unlock the
African All-Stars team.
Asia/Oceania All-Stars team:
Win the Asia/Oceania Cup to unlock the
Asia/Oceania All-Stars team.
North American All-Stars team:
Win the American Cup to unlock the
North American All-Stars team.
South American All-Stars team:
Win The South American Cup to unlock the
South American All-Stars team.
World All-Stars team:
Win the World Cup (Jules Rimet) Trophy to unlock the
World All-Stars team.
Timewarp teams:
Win the Timewarp Cup to unlock the 50’s Madrid to
70’s Highbury teams. Win Timewarp League to unlock the
70’s Liverpool to 90’s Marseille teams.
Jungle stadium:
Win the South American Cup under the amateur difficulty setting.
School Field stadium:
Win the Asian cup under the amateur difficulty setting.
School Pitch stadium:
Win the American cup under the amateur difficulty setting.