Theme Park Roller Coaster – Cheats & Tips

PlayStation 2, Sony

Here are some cheats and tips for the game Theme Park Roller Coaster.

All purchases are free:
Press [Left, Down, X, Circle] eight times while in the park
in camera mode (first person view).

Golden Tickets:
Press [Up, Down, Left, Right, Circle, Right, Left, Down, Up,
Circle] four times while in the park in camera mode
(first person view).

All items researched:
Press [Up, Down, Up, Down, Left, Up, Down, Up, Down, Right]
eight times while in the park in camera mode (first person view).
Note: This only works for the park you are in at the time you
entered the code.

All awards:
Press [Up, Down, Left, Right, Circle, Right, Left, Down, Up,
Circle] five times while in the park in camera mode
(first person view).

Rollercoaster Test Park:
Create 10 roller coasters with an ultimate rating to unlock a
Rollercoaster Test Park when a starting a new game or reloading
a saved game.

Stop ant commentary:
Press Triangle when the ant talks to stop it most of the time.

Unlimited money:
Enable the “All purchases are free” code, then build a roller
coaster. Place the first pylon, then select “Undo” to get $100.
Repeat this as many times as desired.