The Scorpion King – Cheats & Tips

PlayStation 2, Sony

Here are some cheats and tips for the game The Scorpion King.

Master code:
Press Start to pause game play, then press Up, Down, Left,
Right, Left, Right, Square, R2. A sound will confirm correct
code entry. All bonuses will be unlocked.

Full health and weapons:
Press Start to pause game play, then press Up, Down, Left,
Right, Left, Right, Square, Circle. A sound will confirm
correct code entry.

Meat club:
Unlock the one-handed class weapon bonus. Then, press Start
to pause game play, then press Up, Down, Left, Right, Left,
Right, Left(2). A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Unlock the one-handed class weapons bonus. Then, press Start
to pause game play, then press Up, Down, Left, Right, Left,
Right(3). A sound will confirm correct code entry.

Big heads:
Press Start to pause game play, then press Up, Down, Left,
Right, Left, Right, Circle, R2. A sound will confirm correct
code entry. All enemies will have big heads.

Tiny enemies:
Press Start to pause game play, then press Up, Down, Left,
Right, Left, Right, Circle, Square. A sound will confirm
correct code entry.