Sonic Heroes – Cheats & Tips
Here are some cheats and tips for the game Sonic Heroes.
Two player Team Battle mode:
Collect 20 emblems in single player story or challenge mode.
Two player Special Stage mode:
Collect 40 emblems in single player story or challenge mode.
Two player Ring Race mode:
Collect 60 emblems in single player story or challenge mode.
Two player Bobsled Race mode:
Collect 80 emblems in single player story or challenge mode.
Two player Quick Race mode:
Collect 100 emblems in single player story or challenge mode.
Two player Expert Race mode:
Collect 120 emblems in single player story or challenge mode.
Metallic characters in single player mode:
Collect 141 emblems in single player story or challenge mode.
Follow Me song:
Successfully complete story mode as Team Rose.
Team Chaotix song:
Successfully complete story mode as Team Chaotix.
This Machine song:
Successfully complete story mode as Team Dark.
We Can song:
Successfully complete story mode as Team Sonic.
Team Chaotix FMV sequence:
Successfully complete story mode as Team Chaotix to unlock their FMV sequence
in the CG Theater.
Team Dark FMV sequence:
Successfully complete story mode as Team Dark to unlock their FMV sequence in
the CG Theater.
Team Rose FMV sequence:
Successfully complete story mode as Team Rose to unlock their FMV sequence in
the CG Theater.
Team Sonic FMV sequence:
Successfully complete story mode as Team Sonic to unlock their FMV sequence in
the CG Theater.
Super Hard difficulty setting:
Successfully complete the game with all “A” ranks and 141 emblems.