Road Trip – Cheats & Tips

PlayStation 2, Sony

Here are some cheats and tips for the game Road Trip.

Cheat mode:
Enter one of the following names when starting a new name to unlock the corresponding bonus.

All parts, 400 billion G, all stamps and album complete except for stamp 100, License D.

All parts, 50 billion G, all stamps and album complete except for stamp 100, Class D and License C.

All parts, 60 billion G, all stamps and album complete except for stamp 100Class D and C and License B.

All parts, 70 billion G, all stamps and album complete except for stamp 100, Class D, C, and B, Endurance
Race and License A.

All parts, 80 billion G, all stamps and album complete except for stamp 100, Class D, C, B, A,
Endurance Race, Tin Race and License S.