Psychonauts – Cheats & Tips
Here are some cheats and tips for the game Psychonauts.
All Psi powers:
Hold L1 + R1 and quickly press Circle(2), Triangle, R2, L3, Triangle
during game play.
Maximum rank and all Psi powers:
Hold L1 + R1 and quickly press L3, R3, L3, R2, Circle, R2 during game
Full ammunition:
Hold L1 + R1 and quickly press R3, X, L3(2), Triangle, Circle during
game play.
Full arrowheads:
Hold L1 + R1 and quickly press X, R3(2), R2, Triangle, Square during
game play.
Full lives:
Hold L1 + R1 and quickly press L3, R2(2), Circle, X, R3 during game
Hold L1 + R1 and quickly press Circle, R2, Circle(2), Triangle, L2
during game play.
All items:
Hold L1 + R1 and quickly press R3, Circle, R2(2), L3, Triangle during
game play.