Parappa the Rapper 2 – Cheats & Tips

PlayStation 2, Sony

Here are some cheats and tips for the game Parappa the Rapper 2.

Shuriken mode:
Hold R1 + R2 then choose a stage at the selection screen.
Shurikens will replace the buttons during a song.

Fast start:
Hold L1 + L2 then choose a stage at the selection screen.

Blue hat:
Successfully complete the game to unlock a blue hat for Parappa.
Press the Right Analog-stick at the “Press Start” screen to
select the new color.

Pink hat:
Successfully complete the game with the blue hat to unlock a
pink hat for Parappa. Press the Right Analog-stick at the
“Press Start” screen to select the new color.

Yellow hat:
Successfully complete the game with the pink hat to unlock a
yellow hat for Parappa. Press the Right Analog-stick at the
“Press Start” screen to select the new color.

Song test:
Successfully complete the game with the yellow hat to unlock
a new dog house that allows you to listen to any song in
levels that you finished with a cool rating.

Bonus stage:
To unlock a bonus stage after any regular stage, finish the
stage with a good score (near 1,000 points). You will be brought
to Chop Chop Master Onion Head who gives you a fun, yet somewhat
repetitious bonus game between the end of the stage you just
finished and returning to the stage selection map.

Secret song:
Go though the opening FMV sequence to the part where PaRappa
is writing his name and all the characters appear. Wait until
a demo of the game appears. Go though the demo and the opening
FMV sequence will appear again. Go though that and go though
the part where PaRappa writes his name and wait again. Instead
of them showing a demo, the colorful noodles will appear on
the sides of the screen and the song will start playing.

Sunny’s music video:
Successfully complete the game with the yellow hat, then do the
“Secret song” trick. Go though the whole song, then a music
video with Sunny singing her intro music on stage will begin.

Control time of day:
The game places Parappa’s neightborhood at the same time of day
indicated by the PlayStation2’s time setting. For example, if
you set the PlayStation2’s time to 11:30 a.m., it will be bright
and sunny in the game. If it is 7:00 p.m., it would be sunset.
If you set the time to 10:30 p.m. it will be dark outside.