Outlaw Golf 2 – Cheats & Tips

PlayStation 2, Sony

Here are some cheats and tips for the game Outlaw Golf 2.

Master code:
Create a player and enter “I Have No Time” as a case-sensitive
name. All movies, characters, clubs and events will be unlocked.

All characters:
Create a player and enter “release all golfers” as a
case-sensitive name. All movies, characters, clubs and events
will be unlocked.

All clubs:
Create a player and enter “release all clubs” as a case-sensitive
name. All movies, characters, clubs and events will be unlocked.

All courses:
Create a player and enter “release all courses” as a case-sensitive
name. All movies, characters, clubs and events will be unlocked.

Harder tour:
Create a player and enter “Iron Man 93” as a case-sensitive name.
All movies, characters, clubs and events will be unlocked.

Easier tour:
Create a player and enter “Mr. Chicken 93” as a case-sensitive name.
All movies, characters, clubs and events will be unlocked.

Perfect shots:
Hold L1 and press X, Triangle, X(2), Triangle, L2, Triangle, X
while aiming in exhibition mode. You will hit the shot exactly on
the percentage marker but still must have your shot aligned with
the line in the cup. This allows you to hit the power marker
anywhere and will not hook, slice, over hit or under hit the ball.

Big heads:
Hold L1 and press Triangle, X, Triangle, Circle, Select during game

Big chests:
Hold L1 and press Triangle, Up(2), Triangle, Circle, Up during game

Super bouncing golf balls:
Hold L1 and press Up(2), X, Up(2), Triangle, Up(2), Square during
game play.

Sticky golf balls:
Hold L1 and press Down(2), Triangle, Down(2), Square, Down(2), X in
aiming mode.

Big golf balls:
Hold L1 and press Up(3), Select in aiming mode. Repeat this code to
increase its effect.

Small golf balls:
Hold L1 and press Down(3), Select in aiming mode. Repeat this code to
increase its effect.

Unlimited Beating Tokens:
Hold L1 and press L2(2), R2(2), Circle in aiming mode in exhibition