NBA Street Vol. 2 – Cheats & Tips

PlayStation 2, Sony

Here are some cheats and tips for the game NBA Street Vol. 2.

Cheat mode:
Select “Play It” at the main menu, then choose the “Pick Up Game”
option. Select your difficulty setting, choose to be either home
or away, and enter your name. Then, enter one or more of the
following codes when the “Enter cheat codes now” message appears
at the bottom left of the “Player Ready” screen.

Big heads:
Hold L1 and press Circle, Square(2), Circle.

Unlimited turbo:
Hold L1 and press Square(2), Triangle(2).

Small players:
Hold L1 and press Triangle(2), Circle, Square.

ABA ball:
Hold L1 and press Circle, Square, Circle, Square.

WNBA ball:
Hold L1 and press Circle, Triangle(2), Circle.

Ball trails:
Hold L1 and press Triangle(3), Square.

No display bars:
Hold L1 and press Square, Circle(3).

All jerseys:
Hold L1 and press Square, Triangle, Circle(2).

All courts:
Hold L1 and press Square, Triangle(2), Square.

St. Lunatics team and all street legends:
Hold L1 and press Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle.

All NBA legends:
Hold L1 and press Square, Triangle(2), Circle.

Classic Michael Jordan:
Hold L1 and press Square, Triangle, Square(2).

Explosive rims:
Hold L1 and press Circle(3), Triangle.

No counters:
Hold L1 and press Triangle(2), Circle(2).

All quicks:
Hold L1 and press Triangle, Circle, Triangle, Square.

Easy two pointers:
Hold L1 and press Triangle, Circle, Square, Triangle.

Difficult two pointers:
Hold L1 and press Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle.