Mega Man X8 – Cheats & Tips

PlayStation 2, Sony

Here are some cheats and tips for the game Mega Man X8.

Fight against Cut Man:
Press Left, Circle, Up, Triangle, Down, X, Right, Square,
L1, R1, L2, R2 when “Press Start” appears at the title
screen. Start a new game under the normal or hard difficulty
setting. Cut Man will be your opponent at the end of Optic
Sunflower’s stage.

Sigma Blade:
Press L3(2), R3, L3(2), R3, L3(2), R3, L3(2), R3 when
“Press Start” appears at the title screen. Start a new game
under the normal or hard difficulty setting. The Sigma Blade
can now be purchased at the development shop.

Play as Alia:
Press Down, R1, Up, L1, Square, X, Triangle, Circle when
“Press Start” appears at the title screen. Start a new game
under the normal or hard difficulty setting. Alia can now be
purchased at the development shop.

Play as Black Zero:
Press L1(2), R1(2), L1(4) when “Press Start” appears at the
title screen. Start a new game under the normal or hard
difficulty setting. Black Zero can now be purchased at the
development shop.

Play as Layer:
Press Square(2), Right, X, R1 when “Press Start” appears at
the title screen. Start a new game under the normal or hard
difficulty setting. Layer can now be purchased at the
development shop.

Play as Palette:
Press R1, X, Left, Square(2) when “Press Start” appears at the
title screen. Start a new game under the normal or hard
difficulty setting. Palette can now be purchased at the
development shop.

Play as Ultimate Armor X:
Press Left(3), Right(3), Left(4), Right(4) when “Press Start”
appears at the title screen. Start a new game under the normal
or hard difficulty setting. Ultimate Armor X can now be
purchased at the development shop.

Play as White Axl:
Press L2(3), R2(3), L2(3), R2 when “Press Start” appears at
the title screen. Start a new game under the normal or hard
difficulty setting. White Axl can now be purchased at the
development shop.