Madokisoku Granzort – Cheats & Tips

TurboGrafx 16

Here are some cheats and tips for the game Madokisoku Granzort.

Level select:
Wait until the red distorted title screen appears, then
press Down four times. Wait until the small triangular icon
for the one or two player selection appears, then press
Up, Left, Down. Finally, hold Right and press Run.

Level select (alternate):
Wait until the red distorted title screen appears, then press
I, II. Wait until the small triangular icon for the one or
two player selection appears, then press II, II,
Finally, hold I and press Run.

Turbo fire:
Wait until the red distorted title screen appears, then
press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, II, I, Run.

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