Knockout Kings 2001 – Cheats & Tips

PlayStation 2, Sony

Here are some cheats and tips for the game Knockout Kings 2001.

Fight as Ashy Knucks:
Enter MECCA as a name for a created boxer in career mode.

Fight as Barry Sanders:
Enter MRBARRY as a name for a created boxer in career mode.

Fight as Bernardo Osuna:
Enter OSUNA as a name for a created boxer in career mode.

Fight as Chuck Zito:
Enter ZITO as a name for a created boxer in career mode.

Fight as Charles Hatcher:
Enter HATCHER as a name for a created boxer in career mode.

Fight as David Bostice:
Enter BOSTICE as a name for a created boxer in career mode.

Fight as David Defiagbon:
Enter DEFIAGBN as a name for a created boxer in career mode.

Fight as David DeMartini:
Enter DEMART as a name for a created boxer in career mode.

Fight as Jason Giambi:
Enter JGIAMBI as a name for a created boxer in career mode.

Fight as Joe Mesi:
Enter BAILEY as a name for a created boxer in career mode.

Fight as John Botti:
Enter JBOTTI as a name for a created boxer in career mode.

Fight as Junior Seau:
Enter JRSEAU as a name for a created boxer in career mode.

Fight as Muhammad Ali:
Enter SBATISTE as a name for a created boxer in career mode.

Fight as Owen Nolan:
Enter OWNOLAN as a name for a created boxer in career mode.

Fight as Ray Austin:
Enter AUSTIN as a name for a created boxer in career mode.

Fight as Steve Francis:
Enter STEVEF as a name for a created boxer in career mode.

Fight as Trevor Nelson:
Enter NELSON as a name for a created boxer in career mode.

Bite opponents ear:
Press L1 + R1 to clinch your opponent.
Then, press Square + X + Triangle + Circle.

Illegal kick:
Press Triangle + Circle + X + Square during a match to
illegally kick your opponent in the midsection.

Illegal head butt:
Press R1 + R2 and press Triangle during a match.

Illegal low punch:
Press R1 + R2 and press X during a match.

Illegal kidney punch:
Press R1 + R2 and press Circle during a match.

Illegal elbow:
Press R1 + R2 and press Square during a match.

Illegal head punch:
Press L1 + R1 to clinch your opponent, then you press
R1 + R2 + Square to do an illegal punch to the back of the head.