Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis – Cheats & Tips

PlayStation 2, Sony

Here are some cheats and tips for the game Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis.

Cheat mode:
Do not select anything before entering one of the following
codes. The codes will not work with an item selected.

Gimme Some Money:
Press L1 + Up, L1 + Down during game play. $10,000 will be
added to your finances.

Gimme Lots Of Money:
Press L1, Right(2), L1, R1, Down during game play. $250,000
will be added to your finances.

Where’s The Money?:
Press L1 + R1, Down during game play. Your finances will be
reduced to zero.

Market Day:
Press L1 + R1 + Down during game play. The market will now
be instantly restocked with fossils.

Open To The Public:
Press Left, Down, Right, Up, L1 + R1, L1 + R1 during game
play. You can now select your three digsites without the
required stars.

Seal Of Approval:
Press Right, L1, Up, L1(2), Down during game play. Your park
rating will increase by one star.

Three Stars:
Press L1, R1, Down(2), L1, Right during game play. Your park
will have a three star rating.

Guaranteed Immunity:
Hold L1 + R1 and repeatedly tap Up during game play.
Dinosaurs will no longer get sick.

Plague Outbreak:
Press Down, Up, Down, Left, R1(3) during game play. Your
dinosaurs will become diseased.

Rampage Time:
Press L1(3), Left(3) during game play. All carnivores
will become stressed.

Pax Jurassicus:
Press L1, Left, Up, Left, Up, Left, L1 during game play.
Rampages will no longer occur.

Hold L1 + R1 and repeatedly tap Up, Down, Up, Down during
game play. One of your safari cars will blow up.

Sequencing Error:
Press Down, R1 + Up during game play. This will set all
excavated dinosaur DNA to 55%.

Mr. DNA:
Press R1, Up, R1, Right, L1, Down during game play. This
will set all excavated dinosaur DNA to 100%.

Press L1, R1, L1, Right, Down, R1 during game play. This
will set all excavated dinosaur DNA to 0%.

All Research:
Press Down(3), Left, Right, L1, Down, Up during game
play. Everything will be researched.

Oh No!:
Hold R1 and press Right, Left, Right, Left, Right during
game play. All tourists will die.

Impossible Mission:
Press R1, Right(4), R1 during game play. All missions,
exercises, and Site B will be unlocked.

Press R1 + L1, Left, Down, Right(2) during game play. You
can now shoot from the safari cars by using the camera.

Isla Muerta:
Press R1(3), L1, Right during game play. Dinosaurs will
now appear to be the living dead.

Hot One:
Press R1 + Down, R1 + Down during game play. A heat wave
will occur.

Welcome To Melbourne:
Press R1(2), L1, R1, Down, Up, Down during game play. The
weather will get stormy.

Storm Free:
Press R1(2), Left, Right, Up, Right during game play.
Storms will clear up.

No Twisters:
Hold L1 + R1 and press Left, Right. Release L1 + R1, then
press L1 + R1 again during game play.

Press Left, Up, Right, Down, L1 + R1 during game play. A
twister will appear on the island.

Extinction Event:
Press L1, R1, Down, R1, L1 during game play. All
dinosaurs will be killed.

No Red Tape:
Press L1, R1, Left, Down(4) during game play. If anyone
dies, you will not get charged no matter if you are in
emergency mode or not.

Happiness Is…:
Press R1, Down, L1, Up(3) during game play. Your visitors
will be happy.

Instant Alcatraz:
Press Down(2), Left, Right, L1(2), Up(2) during game play.
Your fences will have low security.

Minimum Security:
Press L1, Left(2), R1(2), Right during game play. Your
fences will have high security.

Press Up, R1, Down, L1, Left(2) during game play. All
fences will be destroyed.

Rocky Road:
Press Right(2), R1(2), L1, Down during game play. All paths
will be damaged.