Gundam: Zeonic Front – Cheats & Tips

PlayStation 2, Sony

Here are some cheats and tips for the game Gundam: Zeonic Front.

8th MS Team’s GM:
Sometimes when you play Iron Spear, you will see a Mobile Suit
with the body of a Gundam(G) and the head of a GM. It is similar
to the GM from the show 8th MS Team.
Note: The Mobile Suit might just be a GM Command.

Amuro Ray’s Gundam:
Get “S” or “A” ranks on simulations 27 to 31 to get the
same Gundam as Sayla’s.

Char Aznable:
Get an “S” rank in Simulation Program 1.

Char is invincible, unless you are hacked at. This is the
only person this applies to. Also note that he is not
invincible if shot in the back.

Ensign Niki Roberto’s GM Command:
Destroy as many Zeon Mobile Suits as possible, mainly Zakus,
with his GM on a Federation simulation. Note: This suit is not
good like his GM and it is difficult to win a mission with him.
Unlock simulation 33 and use his GM on the simulation 2 alone,
no team members because it is easier, and kill all or as many
Zakus as you can, including the one with the bazookas.

Federation GMS:
Successfully complete the game once, then complete practice
mission 1 with all the other pilots.

Federation Shield for Austin’s Zaku 1:
After you complete the game once, play practice mission 1
with Austin’s Zaku 1. Successfully complete it and you should
have a heavy Fed shield like the Gundam’s, and a few new supplies.

Successfully complete the game, then play again. Complete
mission 12 a second time to unlock Gai

Garma Zabi:
Get an “S” rank in Simulation Program 2.

Kai, Hayato, and Lt. Agar:
Successfully complete the game, then play again. Complete the
“Attack Jaburo” a second time.

Get an “S” rank on the Federation Simulation mission Burning
Sands to unlock Kai and his Guncannon, and Hyato and his Guntank.

Kai’s Guntank and Hayato’s Guncannon:
Destroy as many Zeon Mobile Suits as possible, mainly Zakus,
with their original Mobile Suit (Kai’s Guncannon and Hayato’s
Guntank) in a Federation simulation. Note: An easily way is to
unlock Simulation 33 and complete simulation 2 alone.

LC Garret Schmitzer:
Successfully complete all thirteen missions to unlock
LC Garret Schmitzer.

Lt. Agar’s Mudrock:
Get one “S” rank on one of the Federations simulations with
Lt. Agar’s Guncannon to get his prototype Mudrock from
mission 10 (Attack Jaburo). To get the fully upgraded
Mudrock from mission 12 (Hail Zeon), win another Federation
simulation with Lt. Agar’s prototype Mudrock.

Lt. Fran’s Guntank:
Get an “S” rank on one of the Federations simulations with her
GM S-Armor. Note: The easiest way to get it is to get an “S”
rank on Burning Sands with her.

Lt. Sandra’s Guntank:
Destroy as many Zeon Mobile Suits as possible, mainly Zakus,
with her Gundam(G) on a Federation simulation. Note: An easy
way is to unlock simulation 33 and use her Gundam(G) on the
simulation 2 alone. Kill all or as much Zakus as you can,
including the one with the bazookas.

Ramba Ral:
Successfully complete the game, then play again. Complete
mission 8 a second time to unlock Ramba Ral.

Get three “C” ranks or below on the Federation missions to
unlock Sayla.

Beam Rifle for Sandra’s Dom Tropen:
After successfully completing the game once, get an “S”
rank on any simulators except for the Federation simulator
and Simulators 1 and 2. Note: You must first unlock a beam
rifle for Sandra’s Zaku 2. If you did not get the beam rifle
after you got an “S” rank with Sandra Dom Tropen, then try
another simulators or just keep getting “S” ranks on simulators
with her Dom Tropen until you get it

Beam rifle for Sandra’s Zaku2:
After successfully completing the game once, get an “S” rank
on simulator mission 1.

All simulations:
Successfully complete the game three times. This game will not
unlock Simulation 33. After you unlock it, you can play any
character on any sim program.

Simulation 33:
Get an “S” rank on all missions in rounds 1 and 2 and simulations
1 through 32 to unlock simulation 33. After you unlock it, you can
use any Mobile Suit in any simulation (for example, Federation
Mobile Suits in Zeon simulations).

Additional missions:
Successfully complete the game to unlock another set of missions.