Finding Nemo – Cheats & Tips

PlayStation 2, Sony

Here are some cheats and tips for the game Finding Nemo.

Level select:
Press Triangle(3), Square(2), Circle, Square, Triangle, Circle, Square,
Triangle, Square, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle(2) at the title
screen, the load or start a new game. Pause game play to access the level
selection option.

Press Triangle, Square(2), Circle(3), Triangle(2), Square(3), Circle(4),
Square, Triangle, Circle(3), Square,Circle, Triangle,Circle(2), Square,
Circle(2), Triangle, Circle, Square, Circle(3), Triangle at the title screen,
the load or start a new game. Note: The invincibility does not occur on all
levels. Pause game play to access the cheat option at the level selection menu.

Press Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle(2), Square, Circle, Triangle, Square,
Circle, Triangle, Square(2), Circle, Triangle, Square, Circle, Triangle,
Square, Circle(2), Triangle, Square, Circle at the title screen, the load or
start a new game. Pause game play to access the cheat option at the level
selection menu.

Secret level:
Press Triangle, Square, Circle(2), Square, Triangle(2), Square, Circle(2),
Square, Triangle(2), Circle, Square, Triangle, Square, Circle(2), Square,
Triangle at the title screen, the load or start a new game. Pause game play to
access the cheat option at the level selection menu.