Dukes Of Hazzard: Return Of The General Lee – Cheats & Tips

PlayStation 2, Sony

Here are some cheats and tips for the game Dukes Of Hazzard: Return Of The General Lee.

Demolition Derby mode:
Successfully complete the Painting it Orange mission.

Head to Head mode:
Successfully complete the Volatile Situation mission.

Hot Pursuit mode:
Successfully complete Stock Car Race mission.

Racetrack Hot Laps:
Successfully complete Stock Car Race mission.

Moonshine boost turbo bonus part:
Successfully complete the General Confusion mission.

New carburetor bonus part:
Successfully complete the Painting it Orange mission.

New transmission bonus part:
Successfully complete the Stash Uncle Jesse mission.

Off-road tires bonus part:
Successfully complete Pick up the Pick-up mission.

Double Zero in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete the Derby Race mission.

Limousine in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete the Painting it Orange mission.

Pickup Truck in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete the Still Running mission.

Police Car and General Lee in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete Picnic Persuasion mission.

Roadrunner in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete the Daisy’s Directions mission.

Sheriff’s Car, Black Car and Tow Truck in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete Stock Car Race mission.

Turbo General Lee in multi-player mode:
Successfully complete the Runaway Daisy mission.

Making Of FMV sequence:
Completing six different stunt jumps with a five star rank on all of them.