Devil May Cry 2 – Cheats & Tips
Here are some cheats and tips for the game Devil May Cry 2.
Dante’s Diesel bonus level and costume:
Play Dante’s mission 1, then save the game. Reset the PlayStation2 and wait for
the “Press Start button” message to re-appear. Press L3, R3, L1, R1, L2, R2,
L3, R3. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Press Start to return to the
main menu. Choose the “Load game” option, press L1 or R1 to access the new
costume, then load a game to play the bonus level.
Lucia’s Diesel bonus level and costume:
Play Lucia’s mission 1, then save the game. Reset the PlayStation2 and wait for
the “Press Start button” message to re-appear. Press L3, R3, L1, R1, L2, R2,
L3, R3. A sound will confirm correct code entry. Press Start to return to the
main menu. Choose the “Load game” option, press L1 or R1 to access the new
costume, then load a game to play the bonus level.
Dante’s Diesel costume:
Press R1(2), Triangle, Square, R2(2) during game play.
Lucia’s Diesel costume:
Press L1(2), Triangle, Square, L2(2) during game play.
In-game reset:
Press Start + Select during game play to return to the title screen.
Completion bonuses:
Use the following trick to unlock the completion bonuses by only playing
Dante’s game. Switch from Disc 1 to 2 at any time during Dante’s game.
Successfully complete the game to unlock level select mode, hard mode, Bloody
Palace mode, and the credits. This trick also works for hard mode. If you
change from Disc 1 to Disc 2 anytime before you complete the game in hard mode,
you will unlock Trish and other bonuses.
Dante Must Die mode completion bonuses:
Once you complete Dante Must Die mode, you will be rewarded with four bonuses:
Dante’s original Devil May Cry costume; Rebellion will be replaced by Force
Edge (very strong not like Devil May Cry’s Force Edge); True King of Hell
(title given to you after completing both Dante and Lucia Must Die modes; the
music Lock and Load (Dante’s Theme from Devil May Cry) will play.
Alternate costumes for Dante:
Successfully complete the game with Dante under the normal difficulty setting
to unlock an alternate costume. Successfully complete the game in Dante Must
Die mode to unlock his original costume from Devil May Cry.
Alternate costumes for Lucia:
Successfully complete the game with Lucia to unlock an alternate costume for
her. Successfully complete the game with Lucia under the hard difficulty
setting to unlock another costume for her. Successfully complete the game in
Lucia Must Die mode to unlock her Arius bodyguard costume.
Play as Trish:
Successfully complete the game with Dante under the hard difficulty setting.
Trish has Dante’s stats and items and starts with the Sparda.
Bloody Palace mode:
Successfully complete the game with Dante and Lucia to unlock Bloody Palace
In Bloody Palace mode, the maximum and hardest level is level 9999, however,
the reward is satisfying. You will fight various rivals, such as Mr. Phantom
(lava spider), Arius, or Bolverk (the one eyed sword opponent) and his wolves,
only this time you will fight twelve wolves. You will probably fight Arius
most of the time, but even though he is difficult, get a Showtime fighting him
and kill him at the same time. You will be rewarded with 7,000 Orbs.
Dante Must Die mode:
Successfully complete the game with Dante and Lucia under the hard difficulty
Lucia Must Die mode:
Successfully complete the game with Lucia under the hard difficulty setting.
Hard difficulty setting:
Successfully complete the game with Dante and Lucia.
Level select:
Successfully complete the game as either character under any difficulty