BlowOut – Cheats & Tips

PlayStation 2, Sony

Here are some cheats and tips for the game BlowOut.

God mode:
Enter NOPAINNOCANE as a code. A message will confirm
correct code entry.

Level select:
Enter COOLLEVELCHEATCODE as a code. A message will
confirm correct code entry.

Level skip:
Enter YESTERDAYYOURZEBRADIE as a code. A message will
confirm correct code entry.

Unlock doors:
Enter ANYANDALLCODE as a code. A message will confirm
correct code entry.

Restore health:
Enter CANEREADYTOROCK as a code. A message will confirm
correct code entry.

Unlimited ammunition:
Enter FISHINABARREL as a code. A message will confirm
correct code entry.

All weapons:
will confirm correct code entry.

Weapons level up:
Enter FRIENDLIESTGODINGALAXY as a code. A message will
confirm correct code entry.

Big feet:
Enter DEADREDPARTYSHOES as a code. A message will
confirm correct code entry.

Big head:
Enter BUTTCHEATCANSURPRISE as a code. A message will
confirm correct code entry.

Enemies thwarted or frozen:
Enter CHARLIEOSCARLIMADELTA as a code. A message will
confirm correct code entry.

Time factor:
Enter CHARLIEALPHANOVEMBERECHO as a code. A message will
confirm correct code entry.

Programmer message:
Enter GOODGODHELPME as a code. A message will confirm
correct code entry.