Bloodrayne – Cheats & Tips
Here are some cheats and tips for the game Bloodrayne.
God Mode:
Enter TRIASSASSINDONTDIE as a code to unlock the “God Mode”
option at the cheat menu.
Restore Health:
Enter LAMEYANKEEDONTFEED as a code to unlock the
“Restore Health” option at the cheat menu.
Fill Bloodlust:
Enter ANGRYXXXINSANEHOOKER as a code to unlock the
“Fill Bloodlust” option at the cheat menu.
Time Factor:
the “Time Factor” option at the cheat menu.
Level Select:
Enter ONTHELEVEL as a code to unlock the level selection menu.
Go back to the main menu, highlight the “New” option, then
hold Select and press Start. A black screen with white text
will appear. Note: You can also access the Louisiana secret
level from this screen by choosing “LA_HILL”.
Louisiana secret level:
Enter BRIMSTONEINTHEBAYOU as a code to unlock the
Louisiana secret level.
Enemy Freeze:
Enter DONTFARTONOSCAR as a code to unlock the
“Enemy Freeze” option at the cheat menu.
Show Weapons:
Enter SHOWMEMYWEAPONS as a code to unlock the
“Show Weapons” option at the cheat menu.
Gratuitous Dismemberment:
Enter INSANEGIBSMODEGOOD as a code to unlock the
“Gratuitous Dismemberment” option at the cheat menu.
Enter JUGGYDANCESQUAD as a code to unlock the
“Juggy” option at the cheat menu.