Beat Mania 2 DX 3rd Style – Cheats & Tips
Here are some cheats and tips for the game Beat Mania 2 DX 3rd Style.
Gambol song:
Successfully complete the game in game mode.
G.M.D. song:
Successfully complete the game in game mode two times.
Melt In My Arms song:
Successfully complete the game in game mode three times.
Perfect Free song:
Successfully complete the game in game mode four times.
Overdoser song:
Successfully complete the game in game mode five times.
Salamander Beat Crush Mix song:
Successfully complete the game in game mode six times.
E-Motion song:
Successfully complete the game in game mode seven times.
Diving Money song:
Successfully complete the game in game mode eight times.
Special Energy song:
Successfully complete the game in game mode nine times.
Genom Screams song:
Successfully complete the game in game mode ten times.
Deep In You song:
Successfully complete the game in game mode eleven times.
Celebrate song:
Successfully complete the game in game mode twelve times.
Patsenner song:
Successfully complete the game in game mode thirteen times.