Balls of Steel – Cheats & Tips

Computers & Xbox, PC Games

Here are some cheats and tips for the game Balls of Steel.

Hidden Cheats (demo version only):

While you are playing the game, push Print Screen and an alien will
appear on the bottom of the screen asking for a commands. Enter any
of these codes for each trick to work:

BUCKET -kickbacks recharged
COUCH POTATO -video modes ready
EVIL TWIN -2-ball ready
FREAKSHOW -extra ball lit
NERF GUN -super cannon ready
POPCORN -super pops lit
ROACH MOTEL -crawler attack lit
T-MINUS 1 -target practice ready
T-MINUS 2 -bug hunt ready
T-MINUS 3 -guard duty ready
T-MINUS 4 -xenophobia ready
T-MINUS 5 -meteor storm ready
T-MINUS 6 -rescue ready
T-MINUS 7 -showdown ready
T-MINUS 8 -final assault ready
TRIPLETS -3-ball ready
WARP CORE -powerball enabled

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