Avernum 4 – Cheats & Tips

Computers & Xbox, PC Games

Here are some cheats and tips for the game Avernum 4.

Cheat mode:
Press “Alt + Shift + D” during game play to display the console window.
Enter the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect Code
Reveals hidden NPCs on mini-map showmeall
Hide hidden NPCs on mini-map dontshowmeall
Fully buff party leetbuffz
Gain experience points iwanttobestronger
Restores party’s health ouchouchouch
Restores party’s spell energy imdrained
Returns to Fort Monastery backtostart
Cure character that is frozen or has a mental effect owmybrains
Areas forget your crimes, except for major ones pleaselikeme
Spawns cake in the selected character’s inventory giveasnack