Arc The Lad: Twilight Of The Spirits – Cheats & Tips
Here are some cheats and tips for the game Arc The Lad: Twilight Of The Spirits.
Win the 30 round arena trial in Rueloon in Darc’s storyline to unlock Choco as
a selectable character.
Win the 30 round arena trial in Cathena in Kharg’s storyline to unlock
Diekbeck as a selectable character.
New Game+:
Successfully complete the game to unlock the New Game+ option. This allows you
to start as Kharg with a King Statuette, 999 Spirit Stones, 3 Diamond Coatings,
and 100,000 G; or Darc with a Romantic Stone, 999 Spirit Stones, 3 Diamond
Coatings, 10 Bountiful Fruit, 50 Dilzweld Bombs, and 100,000 G.
Japanese dialogue:
Hold R1 + R2 + R3 buttons when selecting the language option at the options
screen. A new option for Japanese will appear.