Ape Escape 3 – Cheats & Tips

PlayStation 2, Sony

Here are some cheats and tips for the game Ape Escape 3.

Cheat mode:
Press Start at the title screen, then hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 while using
the “Start” option at the menu to display the password entry screen.
Then, enter one of the following case-sensitive passwords.

Dark Master Ape:
Enter “blackout” as a password. Dark Master will appear in the Kung Fu
Alley level. Enter the construction area and find the small room with
a Kung-Fu switch.

Spork Ape:
Enter “krops” as a password. Spork will appear in a cabin at the
Hide-n-Seek Forest level.

Shimmy Ape:
Enter “2nd man” as a password. The Ape is hidden past the back door the
icy hideout in the Winterville level.

Pipotron Yellow:
Enter “yellowy” as a password. The Ape is in the first area in the Monkey
Come, Monkey Go level.

Pipotron Red:
Enter “redmon” as a password. The Ape is in the “toy room with blocks”
in the Let’s Go Out With The Monkeys level.

Pipotron Blue:
Enter “coolblue” as a password. The Ape is on the wings of the jet in
the Flying High Monkey level. Exit the yellow plane and he will appear
in front of you.

SAL-1000 Ape:
Enter “grobyc” as a password. The Ape is near the clock tower in the Castle
level. Look in the area with the second exit in the hidden dressing room
that leads to Saru-mon’s Immobile Castle.

SAL-3000 Ape:
Enter “SAL3000” as a password. The Ape is in a dressing room in the Space
TV Fortress level. Search the vending machine area which second exit
in hidden dressing room that leads to the Gotta Love Specter level.
Hit the Number “5” to find him.