America’s 10 Most Wanted – Cheats & Tips
Here are some cheats and tips for the game America’s 10 Most Wanted.
Cheat mode:
Start the game with the “-cheats” command line parameter. The “Cheats”
option will now appear on the “Special Features” menu. Select it, or
press “~” during game play to display the console window then enter
one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Effect Code
Toggle God mode for self godMode <0 or 1>
Toggle God mode for team godModeTeam <#>
Toggle no clipping noclip <0 or 1>
Toggle mission failure mw_failmission <0 or 1>
Toggle mission success mw_winmission <0 or 1>
Toggle HUD mw_showhud <0/1/2>
Toggle AI mw_aiDisableThink <0 or 1>
Toggle level select mw_givealllevels <0 or 1>