Age of Empires: Rise of Rome – Cheats & Tips
Here are some cheats and tips for the game Age of Empires: Rise of Rome.
Just type in these codes in the chat window:
king arthur – changes birds into dragons (999 HP)
grantlinkspence – ???
pow big mamma – new unit: BabyPrez (Baby on trike) (500 HP, 50 str,
10 arm, 15 rng)
convert this! – new priest unit (“Saint Francis”), who kills his
enemies by lightning (25 HP, 200 str, 0 arm, 10 rng)
stormbilly – get a sci-fi robot (“Zug 209”) (100 HP, 20 str, 10
arm, 15 rng)
To bring a villager back in the next life, highlight a member of the
general populace and press [Enter]. Then type MEDUSA and march them
off to peril. Villagers return as Black Riders; and Black Riders
become heavy catapults.
Catapults fire on Peasants
To fire on civilians, highlight a catapult and press [Enter].
Then type: JACK BE NIMBLE. Depending upon its orientation, catapults
target different members of the populace.
Direction Target
East: peasants
North: cattle
South: peasants
West: Superman