Act of War: High Treason – Cheats & Tips

Computers & Xbox, PC Games

Here are some cheats and tips for the game Act of War: High Treason.

Cheat mode:
Press “Enter” during game play in single player mode. Then, enter one of
the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect Code
Additional $1,000 fortknox
Full map keyholemaster
Launch a super weapon at the pointer yeepeekaye
Unlimited money and entire tech tree unlocked ineedalltechnos
Spawn Russian T-80 tank motherrussia
Spawn CIA Armored SUV coolihaveanewcar
Spawn S.W.A.T. member swatatyourorders
Spawn British cop greenjelly
Spawn SA12 Anti-Aircraft Missile Launcher blackhawkdown
Spawn Duck duckhunt
Spawn U.S. police officer ymca
Spawn President of The United States of America coolimthepresident
Spawn British Ambulance bringoutthedead