24: The Game – Cheats & Tips
Here are some cheats and tips for the game 24: The Game.
Cheat mode:
Hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 while “Options” is highlighted at the main menu
to display the “Security Clearance” screen, with a password entry prompt
for the “Invulnerable”, “Infinite ammo”, “All missions”, and “All bonuses”
Enter 66BAUER as a code. Then, select the “Load” option and choose a
previously saved file to continue
the game.
Infinite ammo:
Enter 62ALMEIDA as a code. Then, select the “Load” option and choose a
previously saved file to continue
the game.
All missions:
Enter 72DESSLER as a code. Then, select the “Previously on 24” option,
then the “Missions” option. Select a file, highlight “Missions”, then
press Circle to select any mission.
All bonuses:
Enter 54PALMER as a code. Then, select the “Previously on 24” option,
then the “Missions” option. Select a file, highlight “Missions”, then
press Square to select the bonuses.